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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Staying On Track

Thought for the day:

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."
                                                         - Maya Angelou

The work week begins anew. Working in the yard, out in the sunshine yesterday improved my attitude tremendously, so I was ready for the office this morning.

Finding a new snack helped too. Emerald makes 100 calorie packs of Cocoa Roasted Almonds and they are yummy! With a pack of these in my lunch pail, that Snicker bar in the vending machine doesn't call my name nearly as loud.

I have been looking for a yogurt based recipe for creamy salad dressings, specifically Cesar Salad dressing. I found a recipe in an American Heart Association cookbook for Creamy Garlic Salad Dressing. It was good fresh, but not so good after it had sat in the fridge overnight. Back to the drawing board.

Now, as promised, I exercised! I got the Yoga DVD out, rolled out the yoga matt, and managed to pull off Bharadvaja's Twist, Baddha Konasana, Sukhasana, Simhasana and the Virasana seated poses okay. When I tried Padangusthasana – the one where you stand up, bend over, and grab your big toes - I just couldn't get there. The Dolphin pose didn't work for me either. The Adho Mukha Svanasana or the Downward Facing Dog, I could do, but it hurt the back of my calves.

Obviously, flexibility is an issue. Oh well, no pain no gain, right?

My body is so sore today.

My favorite part of yoga is the meditation and breathing exercises. They may be useful for stress relief and focus. Both are weak areas for me, so I probably need this.


Shawna said...

Glad to hear that you tried the yoga! Keep up the great work Mom!

Barb said...

Keep up with the yoga. I can now do a back bend, but not for long. LOL. So Yoga will help both strength and flexibility.