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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Losing It

Thought for the day:

"Rule your mind or it will rule you. You may delay, but time will not." -Horace

Yesterday was weigh in day and I was happy because I lost 1.8 pounds but also a little disappointed; I really wanted to have 25 pounds off by Memorial day and missed that goal by 0.2 pounds, ARGGG! I had not eaten or drank anything before weighing in, I had went to the bathroom too; so short of taking my clothes off (that may happen when I get that close to the 100 pound goal), the weight on the scale was as low as it was going to go.

The meeting was very motivating, we talked about increasing activity. Many of us didn't have weight problems when we were younger because we were a lot more active. The facilitator suggested that as grown-ups we should go out and play more.

After the meeting played with my granddaughters. We also went shopping at their favorite store and tried out the hula-hoops. None of us could keep the darned things going, but maybe I should go back and get one to practice with. As a kid, I thought they were fun. We did get jump ropes and had a jumping contest, I lost. The point is I did it, not well, but I did it.

The week in review:

What I did right-

a. Ate Breakfast daily.

b. Kept a diary of every bite that crossed my lips.

c. Drank a minimum of 6 glasses of good old H2O daily.

d. Walked for 60 minutes, 5 days of the week.

e. Continued the Yoga practice. It does feel good to stretch.

f. Tried the Hula-Hoop. Bought a jump rope and used it.

g. Bought a new pair of shorts, a size smaller! Yippee!

h. Went out to dinner with my Mom and stayed on point.

What I can do better-

a. Try a couple of new recipes so I don't get bored.

b. Find another new activity.

c. Treat myself to a non-food splurge.

d. Find some additional ways to unwind and reduce stress.

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