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Monday, May 24, 2010


Thought for the Day:

"The will to persevere is often the difference between failure and success. " -David Sarnoff

I'm a couple of days late in posting this, as I made a trip to visit family in southeast Missouri. Saturday was weigh in and the scale and I are still friends. I lost another 2.6 pounds. Yippee!! That is a total of 23 pounds lost!

The trip went well, My daughter drove and my grandson of course was an angel.

It was difficult eating well on the road, and when visiting out of town family I had no control over the menu. Having planned for this I saved my Flex points for the day and ate what was served. I did notice something, a few months ago I would have eaten everything offered, now I'm satisfied with about half the amount. I was not  counting points, I had planned get back on point as soon as I got home. It was a day that I really didn't desire very much of the high fat food I was offered.

We stopped at a restaurant on the drive home and I ordered something that could be split up into two meals and took half in my lunch today, again feeling satisfied.

The week in review:

What I did right-

a. Ate Breakfast daily.

b. Kept a diary of every bite that crossed my lips.

c. Drank a minimum of 6 glasses of good old H2O daily.

d. Walked for 60 minutes, 3 days of the week. (The Rain kept me from getting a walk in every day)

e. Continued the Yoga practice. It does feel good to stretch.

f. Tried the beginners Pilates DVD. Also checked out a Play-A Way called "You on a Walk" and liked it.

What I can do better-

a. Try a couple of new recipes so I don't get bored.

b. Look for a beginners Tai Chi DVD at the library, I found a Pilates DVD last week last week.

c. Treat myself to a non-food splurge.

d. Find some additional ways to unwind and reduce stress.

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