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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Keeping Motivated

Thought for the day:

"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek." -Mario Andretti

Today is the first day of my stay-cation vacation, while I'm not going anywhere, I'm not going to work either. I plan to get some much needed work done around my house. Get my flower beds weeded, plant some annuals and clean up the back yard for Summer.

Today is also weigh in day and I'm happy to report another 1.6 pounds lost, putting me over that 25% of the way there mark on this 100 pound challenge.  I'm feeling a lot better and more energetic. My knees don't hurt as much either. I'm also going to walk a 5K tomarrow. I'm really excited and looking forward to this walk. Who would have ever thought just a couple of months ago that would ever happen! Me with my exercise allergy and all.

This challenge has been a serious is a life style changer.

I'm doing things I didn't think I would or could do.

I've changed the way I cook, now I'm baking, grilling and broiling instead of frying. My snacks have changed from Chips and dip or nachos with lots of cheese sauce and an ice cream sunday chaser to vegies and hummus or fresh fruit.

The biggest change however, is that I'm getting in some kind of physical activity daily. Usually a walk but I've also tried yoga postures, and I finally found a Tai Chi VCR tape at the library to try. I'm liking the jump rope and may yet get that Hula-Hoop.

I'm considering a 12' diameter 30" deep pool for the back yard. I think it would serve two purposes, entertainment for the grandchildren and resistance walking for me or possibly a water work out. The pools I'm looking at cost less than $100.00. At that price, even if I don't like it the kids will still be happy and when the thing is worn out I can through it away without much guilt and never buy another.

My week in review:

What I did right-

a. Ate Breakfast daily.

b. Kept a diary of every bite that crossed my lips.

c. Drank a minimum of 6 glasses of good old H2O daily.

d. Walked for 60 minutes, 4 days of the week.

e. Continued the Yoga practice. It does feel good to stretch.

f. Used the jump rope 3 times last week for 10 minutes each time.

g. Took my BFF out to dinner for her birthday and stayed on point.

d. Checked out a Tai-Chi video from the library to try.

What I can do better-

a. Try a couple of new recipes so I don't get bored.

b. Find another new activity.

c. Treat myself to a non-food splurge.

d. Find some additional ways to unwind and reduce stress.

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