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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Small Victory

Thought for the day:

“Victory belongs to the most persevering."

Napoleon Bonaparte

Once again, there is progress in the battle with the bulge. I lost 2.8 pounds!

Whoo! Hoo!

Happy Dance!

The efforts of the last week have paid off. Gee! I may have to take another try at those exercise DVDs. NOT! Those were torture. At least they were from the library and cost me nothing.

I remember having fun with Richard Simmons "Sweatin’ to the Oldies" several years ago, maybe I can locate something like that. As today proved perseverance is the key.

The scale is my friend again!

The week in review:

What I did right-

a. Ate Breakfast daily.

b. Kept a diary of every bite that crossed my lips.

c. Drank a minimum of 6 glasses of good old H2O daily.

d. Walked for 30 minutes, 5 days of the week.

e. Had 2 teaspoons of healthy oils daily.

f. Had at least 6 hours of sleep a night.

What I can do better-

a. Try a couple of new recipes so I don't get bored.

b. Get in some additional kind of exercise by trying a yoga DVD that I bought.

c. Find another exercise DVD that I like.

d. Treat myself to another non-food splurge.

e. Find some ways to unwind and reduce stress.

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