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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Self Communication

Thought for the day:

“Our bodies communicate to us clearly and specifically, if we are willing to listen to them.”

Shakti Gawain

All of this beautiful spring weather has been good for building up my level of activity, which is great. I’ve been getting outside every day, working in the back yard, breathing fresh air and all that good stuff. The trees are in full bloom, bulb flowers are popping up out of the ground and it seems there is something new every day.

So why did I have to talk myself into going for a walk today?

I came up with several excuses to stay in. I'm sore from my shoulders to my toes from yard work. I'm tired. I feel like being lazy. I have too much work to take a full lunch break. My head is all stuffy from the pollen. I've been pretty active and skipping just one day is not going to make much difference, will it?

Every publication I have ever read in regard to weight control states that exercise is essential for weight management. I guess I can't argue with that. I took a Claritin, donned my sneakers, grabbed my pedometer and hit the pavement. The walk helped me wake up, worked some of the stiffness out of my legs and, before I knew it, I had made 2 laps around my now expanded route around the parking lot of the building I work in and the one for the building behind it, 0.4 miles.

As much as I hate to admit it, I think my body is communicating that it wants more activity.

I still HATE exercise!


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