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Monday, April 12, 2010

Another Day Down!

Thought for the day:

“Do something. If it doesn't work, do something else. No idea is too crazy.”

Jim Hightower

Wow what a weekend!

Yesterday was weigh in day and my group meeting. Surprisingly, the scale was my friend again this week and I lost 2.8 pounds for a total of 10 pounds lost since the challenge began! Whoo! Hoo! I only have 90 pounds more to reach that 100 pound goal.

My personal challenge this weekend was to get the lawn mowed and, just my luck, my lawn mower would not start. Determined, I tried borrowing a mower from my daughter, it wouldn't start either. OK, so the fates just aren't with me and the grass just keeps getting taller. I was feeling pretty defeated and a Snicker bar was sounding pretty good. Thank God there weren't any in the house.

My next comfort option was a cocktail, but I had to stay within points. I had 15 flex points, so I knew one or maybe even two cocktails would be alright if I could manage to keep the points down. I wanted a Pina Colada, so it was not going to be easy. They have about a gazillion calories and fat grams through the roof. Now I've had some pretty good tasting Pina Colada flavored yogurt and, while I didn't have any on hand, I do keep vanilla flavored Greek yogurt as a staple. So, instead of cream of coconut, I could use the yogurt and add coconut flavoring. I also had Malibu Rum, frozen pineapple chunks, and Almond Breeze. Now I have a recipe for a Pina colada that makes me feel the sand between my toes! And for only 6 Weight Watchers points! About 330 calories and only 2.5 grams of fat! YIPEE!

Skinny Pina Colada

½ cup of Vanilla flavored Greek yogurt
1 cup of vanilla flavored unsweetened Almond Breeze
½ Tsp of coconut extract
1 ½ oz. of Malibu Rum (coconut flavor)
1 cup of frozen pineapple chunks
3-4 ice cubes

Place all ingredients in a blender and pulse till the ice is broken up or use the smoothie setting until blended smooth. Enjoy!

OK, back to the lawn problem...

I needed a new lawn mower and I’ve needed another way to work activity in my schedule. My Lawn is not very big. So using even a gasoline powered push lawn mower for 20-30 minutes will only amount to 1 activity point. However, an Old School, reel type lawn mower would take more effort on my part and probably extend the time spent mowing as well.

Off to Lowe's I went! I came home with a Reel type lawn mower and an electric Weed Whacker too!

Now I'm burning some FAT! It took an hour to do the front and back lawns, increased the level of activity to high (because I was sweating in just a couple of minutes), and earned me a whopping 10 activity points! WHOOPEE!!!

Mission Accomplished!
I'm tired, I need a drink, and I definitely need to soak my tired ass in the tub!

“Give me two Pina Coladas, one for each hand…”

1 comment:

Barb said...

When are you having the cocktail party?