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Friday, July 2, 2010

Back on Track

Thought for the day:

"Energy and persistence conquer all things."

-Benjamin Franklin
Wow! Another week is ending and a Holiday weekend approaching.
Tomorrow is Weigh-in day again and I think I've had a fairly good week this week. I have managed to walk every day and did some pool exercises on 3 out of 5 days. I've drank plenty of water and stayed on point all week.
I went out to lunch again today but this time to Subway. I had a 6" Sweet Onion Chicken Teryaki sandwich on whole wheat, an apple and Ice Tea to drink, about 8 points in all. Much better choices than last Friday. I really miss going out to lunch, but not only is it expensive, it's also difficult to stay within my points budget when I'm not preparing the food myself.
After last week I have come up with some strategies to stay in control when I eat a meal out:
I go on-line to check out the menu and nutritional info, and decide what I'm ordering.
I call my order in ahead of time to be ready when I arrive so I don't change my mind.
I drink a large glass of water before I go out.
Can't wait to weigh-in!

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