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Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Thought for the day:

"They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself."

-Andy Warhol
Well I tried my first Zumba class yesterday, and I survived!!!
A friend asked me to attend a Zumba class with her, I was hesitant at first, I didn't think I could keep up, but decided to check it out anyway. Hey, it was just one class, only one hour. Boy! Am I glad I went! It was very intense but also fun, it seems to combine Latin dance moves with aerobics and some belly dancing moves.  You sure do "Shake what your Momma gave you", and get full body workout to boot!
It kicked my butt!
When I got home afterward and checked to see how many activity points I'd earned I was very pleased to see that someone of my current size could earn 10 activity points for one hour of Zumba. Yippee!!!
You can bet I'll be back!
I thought I would be sore as hell this morning but I wasn't, so I guess the Yoga and Pilates  DVDs I've borrowed from the Library, and practiced, have payed off too. 
Can't beat that with a stick!

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