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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Get over it!

Thought for the day:

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

-Winston Churchill
I had a difficult week, I felt like I was starving all week long.
My children's paternal grandmother, my ex-husbands mother died and that brought up all kinds of emotional baggage for me. While my kids and I were not very close to my former mother-in-law, it was still a period of grief for them and a time to offer support to them and their Father.
My relationship with my ex-husband is to put it kindly a somewhat rocky one, but I do still care about him. You don't have three children with someone and then due to divorce turn all of that caring off. Do I still want to be married to the guy?
My ex-husband and I had our great moments and our marriage was certainly not all bad. However, due to our differences we consistently infuriated each other and our fights were as volatile as napalm. For me, it came down to divorce him, or kill him.
I didn't want to go to prison and our children were young; they needed parents.
After paying respects at the funeral home, it was late I was hungry and we stopped at Golden Corral for dinner, I binged. I ate too much and topped it all off with chocolate cake.
The next day I get home from work to find what I suspect was the product of some neighborhood hooligans who entered my fenced back yard, took the cover off my pool wadded it up and threw it in the mud then horsed around in the pool collapsing the back wall and allowing 2/3 of the water to escape. To put it lightly I was boiling with anger. I suspect it is the same couple of older boys that I have seen cutting through my back yard on occasion.
There is now a pad-lock on the fence gate and No Trespassing signs posted. I hope the vandalism doesn't happen again. I've fixed the pool and had to completely drain it to do so. Filling a swimming pool twice took 5,000 gallons of water, so the water bill is probably going to have me rilled again.
Friday I went out to lunch with my co-workers, we went to a bar. I thought the choice of a steak sandwich and salad was good. The salad was dressed with fat free salad dressing, had no cheese or croutons and was a good choice, but the steak sandwich was huge and served on garlic-cheese bread I figure it was at least 25 points. I ate all of it.
Yesterday was Weigh-in day and I lost .4 Lbs, at least I didn't gain, I expected to. After the week I've had, and what I've posted doesn't even include the on the job stressors, .4 pounds lost is great. Heck, not gaining is great!
I'm not even going to review this week any more, I'm just going to put it to bed and...
Forgive me for going all Scarlett O'Hara, but really,"Tomorrow is another day".

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