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Monday, July 19, 2010

Another Week Shot to Hell

Thought for the day:

"In the Middle Ages, they had guillotines, stretch racks, whips and cahins. Nowadays, we have a much more effective torture device called the bathroom scale." -Stephen Phillips

Last week ended in a big stink. Things at work have been horrible and I can't seem to see any light at the end of the tunnel. Things have pretty much sucked for the last 6 months and now I'm having a real problem keeping my attitude from stinking as well. I can't seem to work fast enough or smart enough to do much but tread water, and it feels like I'm treading quicksand.

I felt so weighed down at the end of the week I made some really poor choices in what I ate and drank. I caved and went on a junk food binge with a chocolate malt chaser.

Boy! did I feel bad Saturday.

First I overslept and missed my weigh in, I felt fat, bloated and lethargic. I'm glad I didn't stand on the scale, it would have just added more weight to my negative feeling.

Once I got myself going I went for a hair cut and then met a former co-worker for lunch at St Louis Bread Company. My lunch choices were not too bad. A salad and sandwich with green tea to drink. We had a nice lunch and it was really good to see her, she gave me a pep talk and I started feeling better.

I just know she went home and said a prayer for me.

I followed the lunch with a long walk in a local park trying to get my frame of mind in order, it was dusk when I finally went home. Physical exhaustion does wonders for putting your priorities in perspective, at least it assures a good nights sleep.

I don't want to review last week it was too painful by the end of the work week and I just want to let it go!

This is a new week and I've set some new priorities.

1. Exercise at least twice this week. Walk at least 3 days.

2. Do something nice for myself, make some time for meditation.

3. Quit allowing what is eating me to make me eat the wrong foods.


Linda said...

Hi Tami,

I think evening will be so diffent once it cools down at night. Then we'll all WANT to walk/bike. I'm finding myself bored in the evenings, when in decent weather I'd be out walking, so what do I do instead? you guessed it. Snack.
Do you have any good recipes for Cod and sole? I notice they're low calorie, compared to my favorite, salmon. I have ruled out tilapia. It's supposedly full of nasties.
Have you heard of Massage Envy? I go twice a month, not cheap but it sure helps my achey neck and shoulders.


Tamra Robertson said...

Hey Linda! see my July 8th post, the recipe there was a slimmed down version of Sole Amandine, I didn't have any sole so I used perch instead, it's 5 points a serving and really good. You can also try steaming it with fresh Herbs, Sole is a mild tasting white fleshed fish so I think any recipe calling for any other mild white fleshed fish could be substited with sole.
I recently read a book by Bethany Frankle called "Skinnygirl Dish" That had some great basic recipes and suggested swaps for ingredients so you could use what you have on hand, I love that idea!