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Monday, June 7, 2010


Thought for the day:

Aerobics: a series of strenuous exercises which help convert fats, sugars, and starches into aches, pains, and cramps. ~Author Unknown

Yesterday I it! I really, really did it!

I completed a 5K walk!

It really did feel good to have accomplished the goal I've been training for over the last 6 weeks.

The day could not have been more perfect for a walk, warm and breezy. Gordon Moore Park where we walked was beautiful, the Rose Garden which was our turn around place was especially lovely.

The other walkers were folks from the Weight Watchers meetings I attend and our group leader Wendy, who is always an inspiration. We had a nice "Pot Luck" lunch afterward giving us even more time to talk and offer each other support in our common effort at a healthier lifestyle. We had so much fun that there is even talk about another walk, just for the fun of it, this Fall.

After I left the park, I decided to reward myself with a non-food splurge. Since my wardrobe is getting too big for me, and one of the ladies at the walk commented on my having to pull my shorts up, I decided to go shopping. I bought myself a new skirt and top to celebrate completing another goal!

It was hard to shop because while I have lost 1/4 of my weight loss goal I'm kind of stuck between sizes. The size I started out at is way too big and the size I'm in is too big as well, but the next size down is still a little tight. So I settled on things that were the next size down but not particularly fitted.

After all that activity I went home, took two Aleve, and took a nap.

I see Aleve and Aloe Vera in my future for the next couple of days but it still feels great to have accomplished a 5K, although I'll be living with sore muscles and a sunburn for a few days.

Next time I'll put a Post It on the bathroom mirror to remind me about the sun-screen.

Oh Yeah!

Here is another big Whoop-tee-do !

I got to shop in the Misses department, not the "Big Girls" clothes!

Woo! Hoo!

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