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Saturday, June 12, 2010


Thought for the day:

"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it." -Margaret Thatcher

After a week of stay-cation, taken to get some projects completed around the house. My back yard looks pretty good. My container vegetable garden is planted. The covered patio has been cleaned out and painted and quite a lot of junk was carried out to the street for trash pick up. I could go on and on but lets just say I have toiled like a Hebrew Slave all week.

My body is so sore from using muscles I forgot I had.

My new BFF is Aleve.

Today was weigh in day and I really expected to have lost weight. I stayed on point and then there was all the physical labor.

 The scale was not friendly this morning. I gained 2.8 pounds.


According to Wendy, our meeting leader, this can happen when one works out very strenuously all at once rather than gradually building up to the activity. As I understand it,  muscles can become somewhat inflamed and hold on to water. I have noticed that my feet and ankles are slightly swollen so perhaps the weight gain is from some water retention.

 It could be that I have not drank enough water this week even though I drank 6-8 glasses a day. It's been hot and I have been working outside so extra water was probably needed. It is also possible that I've not eaten enough to accommodate the extra activity. I've barely eaten enough food to meet my daily points target because I haven't been hungry.

Back to the drawing board!

My week in review:

What I did right-

a. Ate Breakfast daily.

b. Kept a diary of every bite that crossed my lips.

c. Drank a minimum of 6 glasses of good old H2O daily.

d. Walked 30 minutes each day.

What I can do better-

a. Try a couple of new recipes so I don't get bored.

b. Drink extra water during outdoor activities.

c. Use a few flex points each day, especially when I'm more active.

d. Find some additional ways to unwind and reduce stress.

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