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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What a Drag

Thought for the day:

"Clogged with yesterday's excess, the body drags the mind down with it." ~Horace

Perhaps it's the rainy weather, but I have felt so tired today that it was all I could do to get to exercise class. My butt was really draging and had I been going on my own, I might have diched it. Thank goodness I was meeting a buddy. It's so easy to wimp out on exercise when I'm on my own.

After class I had a lot more energy.

Having friends to work out with, not only makes it more fun, it also keeps me motivated.

I went home and tried the Belly dance DVD, and it made my belly is sore. I was trying to master the "Belly Roll", since I have a belly roll I thoulght it would be easy, NOT!

I am going to give it another try.

 I've always wanted to be able to move with the grace of a dancer and be able to glide through a room instead of stumble.

Maybe if I can learn to dance I can learn to move with a little grace. I do think my posture is improving and while I don't quite feel graceful, I don't feel quite as clumsy either.

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