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Sunday, August 29, 2010


Thought for the day:

"You have a very powerful mind that can make anything happen as long as you keep yourself centered. " -Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

I've had another ridiculously busy week, but I was able to stay centered and on point. Again, planning turns out to be the winning strategy.

This week my weigh in was much better than last week's, I lost 2.6 pounds, ridding myself of the one I had gained last week and putting me 1.6 pound ahead of the game.

I had a little personal goal to get to 50 pounds off by Labor Day, but with 8 pounds standing in the way I think I'll resolve that goal to having my first 50 off by the Autumn equinox. I can't say that I'm not disappointed but since I started this challenge on the first day of spring I guess getting to that halfway point by the first day of Autumn is more realistic. I may have been rushing things.

This challenge is not the "Biggest Loser".

What really is most important is not how fast that first 50 comes off, but that it gets off. I've made a lot of progress toward my ultimate weight loss goal, 42 pounds is nothing to sneeze at.

When I think about how far I've come, and number of lifestyle changes I've made, it kind of even astounds me. I really never thought I could get over my exercise allergy, let alone actually enjoy a work out. My first experience with physical activity was when I forced myself to take a walk, then I forced myself to start trying different exercise DVDs. Now, thanks to my friend Barb, suggesting I join her at a  Zumba class; I have a physical activity that I actually look forward to.

I'm still trying different exercise DVDs to have some kind of activity on the days I don't go to Zumba, and I think that may keep things fresh for me. And I like the stretching involved with Yoga and the toning I get from Pilates. This week's DVD is Belly dancing, I'll let you know how it goes. I'll also walk more when the weather cools off.

Overall, I think the week went pretty well.

What I did right:

a. Ate Breakfast daily.

b. Kept a diary of every bite that crossed my lips.

c. Drank extra water due to the heat and my increase in activity.

d. Exercised 5 days last week.

e. Tried a recipe for brownies made with black beans and with only 53 calories. It was a total bust. Yuck! Maybe I can tweak it to taste good, the texture was moist and fuggy.

What I can do better-

a. Get enough sleep. I still struggle with this.

b. Manage to exercise 6 days this week.

c. Work out some new recipes to help prevent boredom.

d. Make some time for meditation. I'm still struggling with this one too.

1 comment:

Linda said...

And more importantly, you've got a waist!