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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Planning for Success

Thought for the day:

"It would be far easier to lose weight permanently if replacement parts weren't so handy in the refrigerator." ~Hugh Allen

Well, I weighed in yesterday and I was up a pound. That binge on Friday came back to haunt me; at least it was only one pound, it could have been a lot worse.

I've stopped kicking myself in the butt over it, now I'm back on the waggon and hanging on for dear life!

After my weigh in and meeting, I went to a Zumba class and then got my game plan together to have successful week.

First stop, Farmer's Market; picked up watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches, plumbs, nectarines, cucumbers, corn, zucchini and some ripe tomatoes. Next to the grocery store for items not available at the Farmers Market. I picked up a turkey breast tenderloin for Sunday dinner and sandwiches next week, other protein choices I made were black beans, red kidney beans, lean pork for kabobs, Ahi tuna, salmon, shrimp and chicken breasts.

I try to plan left-overs each evening for my lunch the next day, it's so much easier to stay on track and on budget by bringing my lunch to work.

I went to Target and bought a pair of pink and very girly looking 5 Lb. hand weights to use for some arm toning exercises, a set of resistance bands in pretty rainbow colors and a new yoga mat in Cinderella blue. Now I know that buying this stuff in pretty colors is not going to make it any more effective, but I've decided to look at these items as fitness accessories so that I'll be more inclined to use them.

I'm such a Princess, even my gym bag is pink.

OK!, I have my meal plans for the week, my 3 Zumba classes and 2 days of weight training lined out, as well my pool exercises, and I intend to have a successfull week!

This week, failure is NOT an option!

Last week in review:

What I did right-

a. Ate Breakfast daily.

b. Kept a diary of every bite that crossed my lips.

c. Drank extra water due to the heat and my increase in activity.

d. Exercised 4 days last week.

e. Got a pedi.

What I can do better-

a. Get enough sleep.

b. Manage to get my walks in at least 3 days this week.

c. Work out some new recipes to help prevent boredom.

d. Make some time for meditation.

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