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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday Morning Trial

Day Two

My thought for today is a quote:

"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me." Carol Burnett

This morning there was a small trial while packing my Breakfast and Lunch; My Mother ate the last of the homemade Blueberry muffins(Hungrygirl.com recipe) and all but one of the breakfast cookies I had planned on for my breakfasts and coffee breaks this week. The situation came close to totally de-railing my resolve, mornings are busy and to get out of the house I have to be organized, everything was on the counter wrapped in cellophane set aside in a Tupperware container and ready to be packed, or so I thought. I had to think quickly to rescue myself from this near diet disaster. Grabbed a 100 calorie pack of rice cakes snacks and some string cheese for my coffee break, the breakfast cookie and a cup of Vanilla soy milk as planned to eat while commuting, and just packed the rest of my lunch as planned.

But I really wanted that muffin! Arggg!

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