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Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Challenge


While standing on the bathroom scale this morning, I saw the number, I cried, and I had an epiphany...


Now, I have lost and found many pounds over the years, and every time I find a pound previously lost, it always has friend or two that find their way to my body as well. Truth is, I love rich fattening food, I love almost every thing about it, the way it smells, the way tastes, the texture, how it makes me feel satisfied; the only thing I don't like, is how I look and feel after years of overindulgence, and that number on the scale. I am 100 pounds overweight and bordering on morbid obesity.

You might ask, How did I get this big? Why haven't I done something about it before now? As a nurse, I know taking in more calories than you burn results in those calories being stored as FAT. Nurses in general, have notoriously poor dietary habbits, we grab and go often waiting untill we are totally famished and then eat what is fast, satisfying and usually fried. As a young little nurse needing rollerskates to keep up with my work-load, the fast food, the after work ice-cream or afterwork cocktails never seemed to find their way to my waist and hips. Oh! how age and a lower activity level changes things! Getting off the floors and an early menopause quite frankly has contributed to my becoming twice the woman I used to be.

I am a 50 something year old woman, a mom and grand-mom who can barely keep up with my grand kids. I cannot walk up one flight of stairs without being out of breath. My knees hurt when I walk for more than an hour, and I can't do that at a brisk pace while maintaining a conversation.

The challenge, over the next 365 days, I challenge myself to loose 100 pounds. My plan is to do this by utilizing a healthy diet and get off my butt activities.

My Long Term Goals:

1. Loose 100 pounds.

2. Establish healthy habbits.

3. Establish an activity program that will help my weight maintanance.

4. Learn methods of cooking and meal planning for weight maintanance.

My Short term goals:

1. Loose 10 pounds.

2. Drink at least 6 glasses of water daily.

3. Reduce my fat and calorie intake.

4. Engage in an aerobic activity 3-4 days a week for at least 20 minutes.

Monday March 22 will be the first day of my challenge.

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