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Friday, March 11, 2011

Shaping Up

Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it. ~Plato

I had a few days off work and used them to try a few new classes at the gym, I tried Tai Chi, Yoga and a class called Get Fit. I really enjoyed the Yoga Class and the Get Fit class was good as well, but the Tai Chi class was too slow and tedious for me. I didn't want to be rude so I stuck it out but couldn't wait for it to be over. The Yoga poses were challenging and the stretching felt good. The Get Fit class entailed aerobics, light weights and abdominal work on a floor mat. I found it a nice combination and a good workout.
My favorite exercise is Zumba. A friend said it felt as good as dancing at a Night Club without the jerks and the drunks, I agree.
I haven't lost any weight for the last 2 weeks and I feel discouraged. I keep trying to concentrate on my non-scale victories, like a smaller waist measurement and better endurance for activity, but the scale still haunts me.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Non-Scale Victory

Thought for the day:

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will. - Vince Lombardi

Yesterday was weigh in day, the scale didn't budge. I could get upset about this but I won't because I worked out hard last week, and noted a non-scale victory. My waistline is 1" smaller than when I measured a month ago and my hips are 1/2" smaller. Whoopee!  The physical activity is paying off even though it wasn't reflected by the scale.

Today I went shopping and though I only bought two pairs of new athletic shoes, I couldn't resist trying on a few things one size smaller. The stuff I tried on in the smaller size fit, though slightly snug in the derriere, my biggest trouble spot. I passed them up this time because I just can't justify getting a smaller size to only wear for a few weeks. It's getting close spring and I hope I'll be at least another size smaller next fall..

It does feel good knowing I can go down a size this spring.

Here is a great soup recipe:

 Zippy Cheese Soup

6 cups of Fat Free Reduced Sodium Chicken Broth
2 16 oz packages of  frozen California Medley Vegetables (Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots, Red Bell Pepper)
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 tsp minced garlic
1 can of Rotel (or diced tomatoes with chiles)
10 oz of 2% (reduced fat) Velveeta
Cooking spray

Spray a 4-5 quart saucepan or Dutch oven with cooking spray and saute the onion and garlic until soft and transparent. Add the chicken broth and bring to a boil, add the frozen veggies and Rotel.  Cook until veggies are tender and hot.. slowly add the Velveeta cheese. Enjoy...

Serving size 1 Cup = 2 Points Plus

Also makes a great Baked Potato topper.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Back in the Game

Thought for the day:

"No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change." -Bill Phillips

Yesterday was my weigh in day and I'm happy to report a loss of 4.6 pounds. My entire right hand, arm and shoulder are all sore from patting myself on the back. I've had some recent set backs and I've really been in a rut, so last weeks weight loss success makes me feel like I am really back in the game.
My plan now is to keep up the good work. I'm sticking with the Weight Watchers program  and I'm getting regular exercise again. That seems to be the winning combination.
This week I intend to try a few new recipes and since the weather is supposed to be pleasant, I'm going to get a daily outdoor walk in on my lunch breaks. I've really been missing being out in the fresh air.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Let's Make it Happen

Thought for the day:

There are three types of people in this world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened. We all have a choice. You can decide which type of person you want to be. I have always chosen to be in the first group. - Mary Kay Ash.

I've had the winter doldrums for the past few weeks, the cold weather, ice, snow and lack of sunshine have had me feeling like hibernating and eating junk food. Finally, I feel as though the dark cloud is lifting and this week I'm in the mood to get back on the waggon and do what I need to to get the pounds off.

A friend told me about an article in the Wall Street Journal about people who are "super-tasters" and I think I just might be one. Some people just get a whole lot of flavor and enjoyment out of food, more than the average person and its great, awesome even. Now for the down side, there may be another phenom according to the WSJ some of us also have enzymes in our digestive systems that make them super efficient in absorbing nutrients including calories and fat.

Now, I've determined that I am probably not only a "super-taster", but I also have one of those exceptionally efficient digestive systems which combined with the effects of menopause makes the pounds stick to my butt like they have been applied with Gorilla Glue!

I have found a new Zumba class that I like, I've also learned a new phrase in this class. On one routine the instructor said to "Drop it like its hot!", I'm thinking drop what? I wasn't holding anything. Then I see the whole class squat down while gyrating their hips and determined this must be "Dropping it like it's hot!". Gee! I'm not just working out I'm also expanding my vocabulary.

I've also decided that I like using an elliptical, just started this week but It feels like it works all of my bodies major muscle groups. Can't wait to see the effects...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy New Year!

Thought for the Day:

Rich, fatty foods are like destiny: they too, shape our ends. ~Author Unknown

The New Year is here and full of promise.

My resolution is simply to take better care of myself.

Last Saturday was the first time in 3 weeks I've weighed in and while I had gained 10 pounds over the holidays, I was just certain I had gained more, but thankful that I hadn't.

Eating rich holiday foods and lack of exercise has been like like "Miracle Grow", for my butt. Clothes that were getting loose aren't anymore.

I'm slowly climbing back up on that waggon. Maybe I need to be pushing it.

My first Zumba class of the new year kicked my butt, I hadn't been in 3 weeks and once again stuff I didn't know I had started to hurt. I'll admit though, it did feel good to get back to being active. Hope I can quickly work off that big 10 gain.

Now, if I can just keep motivated...