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Friday, December 17, 2010

Back to Losses

Thought for the day:

“Craziness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.”

-Tom DeMarco
Last week I lost 3 pounds on Points Plus. I hope that means the "Plateau" is over.
Something mentally happens to me when my weight loss plateaus; I get depressed and want to eat and then I gain. It's insanity!
Why do I turn to food for comfort? I could just take a hot shower, read a good book or take a walk. Yet time after time I turn to rich, fattening food. This is a pattern that I desperately need to brake.
I've thought about it and I plan to start by eating a piece of fruit instead of a pastry when I feel down. If that doesn't do it I'll get up and move around, maybe take a walk, the cold weather has slowed my desire for physical activity but I'll force myself, even if it means cleaning the house, hey, it's movement!
I really do want to get this fat off my ass and doing what I've done in the past only got me where I am today.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Points Plus A New Begining

Thought for the day:

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." –Jim Ryun

Just got through my first Points Plus Day. It wasn't bad, just different; it is probably good to have to look up the points on food again. I'd been working the Momentum plan for so long I was pretty sure of myself with calculating food points, now I have to look up the points on every thing. Hope it helps me break this plateau I've been on for WEEKS!

It was kind of nice having 0 Point fruit as well as most vegetables being 0 points; but it's going to be really difficult eating fewer carbohydrates.